"And she went and did..." 1 Kings 17:15
Enjoy reading 1 Kings 17: 1-16
Widowed. Alone. Destitute. Starving. Victim of drought. Ready to die. These words describe the widow of Zeraphath. (Her name isn't even mentioned in this account). She came from a nation who did not follow the God of Israel. She had no hope. She was ready to prepare her (and her son's) last meal. She was running out. If that wasn't bad enough, there was company at the door.
Enter Elijah the prophet. A man she didn't know (although apparently she knew him by reputation) comes asking for water and food during her difficult time. If anyone was a candidate for a hand out, it was her - not Elijah. This prophet of God didn't come with a bag of groceries. He came with a promise and instruction from his God... a promise of abundant food supply... if she gave what little she had. Elijah didn't focus on what was. He focused on what God said. This woman who did not know God had the same opportunity. I can imagine that she took a good long look at the last bit of oil and flour she had left. She could've had an attitude toward him... she could've allowed fear to paralyze her...but she went and did as Elijah asked.
Somehow, this woman acted in faith. Her fear of running out vanished in her faith of running over. She believed what God said. She had to take action, however. Faith is acting out what one believes. "She went and did". She gave. God met her running out with running over.
Are you in a running out situation? Running out of hope? Time? Patience? Money? First you must choose whether fear or faith will move you. Be encouraged- faith is what moves God. Listen for His instruction. Give what little bit you have left to God- use it for Him. He will respond to your faith. This nameless woman had her need met up to the brim and then some.
God will do the same for you- and He knows your name.
For extra encouragement read Matthew 15, Mark 8, Luke 9 and John 6 to see what Jesus did with a little boy's 2-piece fish dinner.