"...a very little thing..." Luke 16:10
Enjoy readying Daniel 1
I thoroughly enjoy the book of Daniel. There's no other book of the Bible quite like it. Kings, dreams, fire, angels, lions, feasts, idolatry, pride, friendships, visions, mental illness, wealth, trust, reward, humility (and more) all in one story. I encourage you to read the entire action packed 12 chapters and ask God to inspire you with the truths and treasures within this account of Daniel's extraordinary life.
If you've read chapter one, I believe you will agree that the tone is set in verse eight. "But Daniel made up his mind". Daniel, taken from his home & family, forced to train three years for adequately serving an ungodly king, does not change his mind about whom he truly serves. He does not lose focus (even in a situation he did not ask for) on the One he worships. Even though Daniel's first test of faithfulness is given to him (literally) on a silver platter, he does not waiver. He has made up his mind.
Though he may not have realized it at the time, Daniel's success in life was set with the simple act of "eating his vegetables".** I also enjoy how Daniel takes the step of respectfully asking to be excused from the "defiling foods" rather than just rudely refusing. I can't help but think how easy it could have been for Daniel to change his mind at the sight of this awesome spread in front of him. He could have used any excuse to make it easy on himself (what teenager doesn't?). "I've been taken captive, I deserve this reward of a feast" or "God will understand, after all, it is the rule of the King" or "just this once-it's only food, then I'll get back on track". But, no, Daniel was determined to obey. I believe he found his resolve before he ever crossed the border of Babylon. He (and his friends) made up his mind to serve God no matter where he was or who/what might try to stop him. His mind was set to honor God when this Babylonian world around him would continually do the opposite.
Daniel's obedience in this "little matter" (and all of them throughout his life) led to great favor from God. Not only did he receive favor in the eyes of those in authority over him, but God gifted him with special abilities, which in turn led to more favor! Daniel was continually rescued from trouble, promoted on the job, healthy, strong and successful (even in old age) because of his diligence & willingness to obey, pray, worship & serve; wholeheartedly.
I encourage you to keep an eye on the "little" things, like Daniel's vegetables. What small things are on your list from God? I encourage you to never think the little things don't matter, and to not fall for the lie that God doesn't notice when you ignore them. Oh, how God sees you and longs to give you favor. Those who are faithful in a very little thing are faithful in much. (Luke 16:10) Do you make up your mind, like Daniel, to be faithful in the small things? You too can live an extraordinary life with the favor of God following you all of your days, just like Daniel.
**Hebrew word "zeroa" meaning "grown from seed", so fruits & grains were included.