Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jehoshaphat's Prayer- When I Don't Know What to Do

"For we are powerless...but our eyes are on You"
2 Chronicles 20:12
Enjoy 2 Chronicles 20:1-25
Jehoshaphat's prayer convicts me every time I read it. This is a good thing, as I tend- too often- to set my eyes on the problem & solution, even when I know there is nothing I can do. I am a problem solver- always wanting to "fix" what's wrong and makes things better for others and myself. My mind is always searching for ideas. When I have none, I find myself getting frustrated. I hope I have a couple of relatives out there ;-).
I believe that we are to use the intelligence God gave us, but sometimes problems or circumstances are way beyond my ability to solve. This is a place where God always tests my faith. Do I completely trust Him? Do I pray for His intervention and keep my eyes on Him?
King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah learned this at a crucial time. A problem bigger than all their ideas & power could only be solved by
*prayer and focus on God
*no fear
and a willingness to obey. The account is nothing short of awesome. It is the impossible becoming possible. It is the hand of God stopping the hand of the enemy. It is the heart of a people moved toward God- that moved God toward His people. (If you've never read what happened- I encourage you to dig into this near defeat turned to victory. It's something you'd never see coming. I know you'll love it and be encouraged).
I am learning to get my eyes off of situations I cannot change. When I take Jehoshaphat and Jahaziel's "advice" God always comes through- with a surprise I never saw coming. If you are frustrated or fearful over a circumstance in your life, try allowing this example of an ancient king's prayer (and victory) bring newness to your mind. God will move on your behalf- and I bet His "idea" will surprise you.
"Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the Lord" (20:3)
"Put your trust in the Lord and you will be established" (20:20)