Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's Delightful

"...and if you honor..." Isaiah 58:13
Enjoy reading Isaiah 58

Think for a moment, if you will, about what brings you delight. The dictionary defines delight as "a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment". An online dictionary adds that "delight usually brings an active expression". In other words, when you sense a high degree of enjoyment- you let people know it, or it shows on your face. What things bring you a "high degree of enjoyment"?

How does your walk with God rate on the delight scale? Do you delight in Him? Can you express how much joy God brings you? Is it showing on your face or is your daily life with God hum-drum at best? Do you wonder if He hears your prayers? Do you look forward to- or delight in God's day?

This verse in Isaiah deals with how we should view God's day. It is also a closing statement to a chapter in which God is teaching His people why they were having so many problems. His people were not delighting in Him. They had chosen to turn from His ways, and ended up finding selfishness, strife, wickedness and unanswered prayers. They were desperately crying out to God but they found no enjoyment in their walk with Him. God could not hear their prayers because of their choices, and they could not find delight in God because they sought their own pleasure, did their own thing and spoke their own words on His day. (Getting into this pattern was hazardous to Judah's well being. It was this pattern of neglect and dishonor that led to their captivity).

Why is God's day so significant? Will going to church (faithfully) solve all your problems? The answer is in verse all comes down to honor. To honor someone means to hold them in high respect. (Hundreds of years before Isaiah's time, God told His people "those who honor Me, I will honor" 1 Samuel 2:30). Treating God's day as a religious obligation or as a hopeful ticket out of trouble is not what moves the heart of God. It's all about honoring Him. He was speaking to all of His people, not just a few. He calls us to come together on His day and declare that His day is honorable and a delight. Shouldn't we honor God everyday? Of course! It is this one day; however, that God expects to have set aside-or rather-set apart by His people for Him. It is His day that He looks for His children to gather together to praise Him, delight in Him, and honor Him in unity. We must declare His day for this purpose. He says when we have this attitude, we will find delight in Him. He doesn't stop there - He goes on to say in verse 14 that He will lift us up! "Then you will find your delight in Me and I will cause you to ride above the heights of the earth". (I love how one translation phrases it - "I will cause you to soar above it all"). Do you have something you need to rise above?

Rock concerts are sold out. Sporting events fill huge stadiums. Political rallies crowd the streets. Movies are drawing in millions upon millions of dollars. All in honor of talented people God created. There should never be an empty seat in God's house on His day. He is looking for those whose hearts are determined to declare His day to be an honor and delight. ["For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His" 2 Chronicles 16:9]

If your faith is hum drum- if your feet are dragging in your walk with God-don't check your pulse-check your calender. If there's a pattern of scratching off God's day (remember He has 52 of them each year) to do other things, it will become hazadarous to your well being. I've seen it happen time and time again, (from people with different levels of faith) head-first falls into personal captivities. We must make every effort to mark and set aside God's day as a delight and honor to God. He is so worthy of honor. And He so wants to honor you!

Let us highly respect and esteem our God... from the rising of the sun, to a first song of praise, through an offering, through His written word, to an altar prayer, in our personal devotion to Him, until the setting of the sun. "Let us exalt His name together" (Psalm 34:3). Let us say of His day "it's delightful!"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Need a Light?

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

Enjoy reading Psalm 119

When I was a child, if my mother walked into a dimly lit room, she would reach for a lamp switch and say "let's shed a little light on the subject". When I think about it, I can still hear the click of the lamp switch and feel the light flood the room. I first read this verse from Psalms many years ago, and it felt as though a light was turned on in my spirit. I was drawn to this verse, as God showed me that His word will shed light at anytime- even the darkest times- of my life.

I love to teach children the word of God, and how important it is to their lives. This verse has been the basis of my teaching. I have played with kids what I call "The Flashlight Game". I begin the game with hidden objects around a dark room. The kids set out excitedly to hunt for these objects, but of course, they cannot find them in the dark. (They mainly end up trying to avoid bumping into things and each other). I then turn on a night light. The kids can now somewhat see where they are going, but they cannot find the items. Next, I set a bright flashlight in the middle of the room. Moving more quickly, they begin to find a few of the objects. (It is always enjoyable to listen to their reactions when they begin finding the hidden objects).
Finally, I turn on the room's full light and the kids quickly find all of the objects. The point of my game is to teach them that the more they allow God's word into their lives, the more they will "see" and understand.

God's word will give us knowledge and wisdom beyond our human comprehension. I don't believe there is any question, thought, confusion, decision, hurt, discouragement or sin that God's word cannot illuminate; however, it must be read (or heard) to enter our hearts & minds and sweep away any darkness. A lamp in the dark is no good unless it's turned on...and God's word cannot "shed any light on the subject" if it's neglected- at any time.

If a situation in your life seems dark, allow God to shed some light through His word. Rather than stumbling in confusion or discouragement hoping to find the answers...turn on the lamp of God's word. Let the light from what He says flood your soul. Soak it in. Let it scatter the darkness. You will find what seems hidden.

"God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all" 1 John 1:5

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Free as a Bird

"Are you not worth much more?" Matthew 6:26

Enjoy reading Matthew 6:25-34

Jesus took some time to teach us that we don't need to be worried or anxious. In fact, He tells us that worry does us no good. This passage particularly focuses on our everyday needs- clothing, food, paying the bills. When worry knocks on the door of our minds, Jesus tell us to "check out the birds" (my paraphrase). Have you ever tried "Bird Therapy"? Maybe it sounds like it's "for the birds" as the world frequently suggests other means of coping with worry. Today, we usually refer to worry as "stressing out". So many are stressed out today. Lay offs. Banks closing. Homes foreclosed. Bill collectors at the door. Jesus' prescription for stressing on these issues is to stop and look at the birds.

It's day to day in the life of a bird. They have no way to make food and no way to store any once they find a source. And yet- their daily needs are met. A preacher of God's Word once put it something like this: "I've never seen a bird pacing on a branch fretting about where the next worm or berry would come from". A comical thought indeed, but true. Have you ever seen (under normal circumstances) birds dying all around due to starvation or birds sleeping on your back door steps because they're homeless? Somehow, they survive, thrive, keep their beauty and keep right on singing in the world God created. He cares for them. (I am amazed at the birds who hang here in the north all winter do they keep from freezing?)

Most birds are insignificant to us and we rarely pay any mind to them until they become a bother; building their homes in our chimneys and making deposits on our cars and porch railings.

Yet, the most insignificant of birds never struggle without God's knowledge. Luke records Jesus' words as "consider the ravens" (Luke 12). Ravens were labeled "unclean" in Jewish law by God. Even the dirty birds have their needs met - and we are more valuable to God than any bird! How much more will He care for us? The key is in what Jesus tells us. "Do not worry".

In order to be free from worry, we must replace it with trust. God moves through faith, not doubt. (See Hebrews 11:6).

The next time you feel the burden of worry coming upon you, don't perch there. Take a ten minute "Bird Therapy" session. There's no charge- and you need only to step outside. Ask God to show you His awesome ways. Consider the birds. Watch them fly. Listen to their songs. You will be amazed at how much better (and free) you will feel releasing your worry to God. Let your stress fly away. Ask your Heavenly Father to meet your need. Receive from Him. Stay on a perch of trust and watch how God takes care of you. He will...and you will be amazed.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Take A Walk

"...and her face was no longer sad" 1 Samuel 1:18
Enjoy reading 1 Samuel 1:1-28

Hannah was a faithful gal with a problem. She prayed and looked to God to solve her poblem;
however, she looked to Him with eyes full of distress, sorrow and bitterness. What Hannah didn't realize
was that her negative emotions were blocking the work of God in her life. Hannah allowed the problem
to keep her trapped in emotional weakness.

After embarrassing herself in front of Eli the High Priest (while she was praying) one day, Hannah was given a revelation
through Eli's short winded sermon. "Go in peace". Eli didn't ask what her prayer request was, or why she was so deeply depressed.
He didn't offer to pray for her. He simply spoke truth to her. He knew if God was going to grant her request, she needed to "go in peace".
It was her choice.

Hannah took the priestly advice with no excuses. She was probably exhausted from crying and exhausted from waiting,
but she dug her heels in and went her way. She left her problem at the altar. "She went her way and her face was no longer sad". Hannah accepted the path God had for her.
She worshipped. God moved and answered her prayer. Her problem was solved.

If you have a problem(s) that no one can solve but God, look to Him. Look to Him with faith. Don't cling to your trouble. Let it go.
Go your way. Take a walk in peace. Smile and watch God move.