Saturday, May 9, 2009

Free as a Bird

"Are you not worth much more?" Matthew 6:26

Enjoy reading Matthew 6:25-34

Jesus took some time to teach us that we don't need to be worried or anxious. In fact, He tells us that worry does us no good. This passage particularly focuses on our everyday needs- clothing, food, paying the bills. When worry knocks on the door of our minds, Jesus tell us to "check out the birds" (my paraphrase). Have you ever tried "Bird Therapy"? Maybe it sounds like it's "for the birds" as the world frequently suggests other means of coping with worry. Today, we usually refer to worry as "stressing out". So many are stressed out today. Lay offs. Banks closing. Homes foreclosed. Bill collectors at the door. Jesus' prescription for stressing on these issues is to stop and look at the birds.

It's day to day in the life of a bird. They have no way to make food and no way to store any once they find a source. And yet- their daily needs are met. A preacher of God's Word once put it something like this: "I've never seen a bird pacing on a branch fretting about where the next worm or berry would come from". A comical thought indeed, but true. Have you ever seen (under normal circumstances) birds dying all around due to starvation or birds sleeping on your back door steps because they're homeless? Somehow, they survive, thrive, keep their beauty and keep right on singing in the world God created. He cares for them. (I am amazed at the birds who hang here in the north all winter do they keep from freezing?)

Most birds are insignificant to us and we rarely pay any mind to them until they become a bother; building their homes in our chimneys and making deposits on our cars and porch railings.

Yet, the most insignificant of birds never struggle without God's knowledge. Luke records Jesus' words as "consider the ravens" (Luke 12). Ravens were labeled "unclean" in Jewish law by God. Even the dirty birds have their needs met - and we are more valuable to God than any bird! How much more will He care for us? The key is in what Jesus tells us. "Do not worry".

In order to be free from worry, we must replace it with trust. God moves through faith, not doubt. (See Hebrews 11:6).

The next time you feel the burden of worry coming upon you, don't perch there. Take a ten minute "Bird Therapy" session. There's no charge- and you need only to step outside. Ask God to show you His awesome ways. Consider the birds. Watch them fly. Listen to their songs. You will be amazed at how much better (and free) you will feel releasing your worry to God. Let your stress fly away. Ask your Heavenly Father to meet your need. Receive from Him. Stay on a perch of trust and watch how God takes care of you. He will...and you will be amazed.

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