Sunday, June 7, 2009

Text Me

"What do u want me 2 do 4 u? Matthew 20:32

We live in a world of technological abbreviations. The only "techno" abbreviation I knew as a kid was "TV". Wow! How advanced we've become in such a short time. My children have grown up with nothing but abbreviations in their world: "VCR", "DVD", "CD", "DVR", "PC", IM"...the list goes on.

The latest abbreviations to take our culture by storm are those used to communicate to one another through cell phone texting. "BRB", "CU", "LOL" "TTYL", "ILY". These short and sweet texts are like a modern day Morse Code, and always get the point across. I find it interesting that most people (especially teenagers) I've observed actually text more often than they talk on their cell phones. I guess it proves in part the power of the written word.

I began to wonder "if God could text us to get our attention, what would He say?" After all, He's already given us the greatest text of all - The Bible. The ultimate text message. Thousands upon thousands of (non-abbreviated) words He wants to impress upon our hearts. I began pouring over Jesus' words (red letter text) and found a few short messages that would make great texts. I hope any one of these texts from Jesus makes its way into your spirit and makes your day.

"Follow Me" Mt 4:19

"Pray...ask...believe" Mk 11:24

"Do good" Lk 6:35

"I'm the light" Jn 8:12

"Come to Me" Mt 11:28

"Keep praying" Mk 14: 38

"Compel them" Lk 14:23

"Do you love me?" Jn 21:17

"Go" Mt 28:19

"You give them" Mk 6:37

"Do not worry" Lk 12:29

"I'm the way" Jn 14:6

"Rejoice" Mt 5:12

"Listen to Me" Mk 7:14

"Blessed are you" Lk 6:20

God so loved" Jn 3:16

If you need a word from God today, ask Him to send you a "text".
Just be sure to check your inbox.

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