Saturday, January 9, 2010

Seek and Find

"...diligently seek..." Proverbs 8:17

As a child I loved the hidden picture puzzles. Pictures within a picture that one can't really see- until it is searched out. Once a picture is found, it always seemed to keep catching my eye- while searching for the next picture. (Especially when I color it in).
God is much the same. He is always there. We just don't always know it, or see with our eyes (evidence of Him), because we aren't looking for Him. Still, He is there, waiting for all who say they love Him to seek Him. I've learned that this is to be an everyday experience, not just a once in a while occasion or during a difficult experience in life. It also takes a great deal of faith. Our circumstances or feelings may try to lead us to believe that He can't be found, He's abandoned us in the tough times, or He just isn't concerned with our everyday life. We must lean on our faith and not what we see in our circumstances. Our faith must take hold of His promise "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). In fact, He so longs for us to be close to Him, that He himself is a seeker. 2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us that God looks for those whose hearts are completely His. Am I as willing to seek Him? Are you?
The key is diligence. The word diligence means "a constant and earnest effort". Do we seek God with the same effort as we seek for that perfect job, spouse, education, house, income, etc. Do we know Him as well as we know the stock market, sport statistics, political issues and other current events? God told His people "seek Me that you may live" (Amos 5). God is our source of life. He longs for us to seek Him.
One of the best motivators I have to seek God (other than I have experienced it and know it is life changing) is the reminder that Satan is also a seeker. He is a seeker of me. He is a seeker of you. However, he seeks to destroy us, and he does so diligently, like a lion hunting prey (1 Peter 5:8) . If we aren't seeking God, we make it easier for Satan to find us. I know that when I am diligently seeking God, Satan can have no access in my life!
Can't find God? Keep seeking. Seek Him in His word. Seek Him in prayer. Seek Him in obedience. No matter what you need. No matter what your hurt. No matter what your questions, He will reveal Himself- like the hidden picture popping out in front of your eyes. Has He come through for you at other times in your life? Color those times in your mind and use them to strengthen your faith. Become a Kingdom seeker. A God seeker. A truth seeker. You'll not only find God, but your life as well.

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