Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jesus' Prayer - What A Friend

" that the world may believe and be convinced that you have sent Me" John 17:21

Enjoy reading John 17

Did you know that Jesus prayed for us? For you. For me. For all who will ever come to believe in Him (John 17:20). Knowing His earthly ministry had come to an end, knowing the events leading to His trial and death sentence were about to begin; Jesus lifts His eyes to Heaven and prays for His disciples and all of us to come. With the purpose of glorifying the Father, Jesus takes time out to bring us to God in prayer. This is absolutely amazing to me.

Jesus prayed that we would have joy. He prayed for God to protect us from Satan. He prayed that we would become pure by the truth of the Word and he prayed that we would be one. Praying that we would be one is the main request of Jesus' prayer- unity among believers. Jesus knew that unity among all of his disciples-present and future was essential if the world was going to be convinced that He is the Son of God.

I think Jesus took this matter of unity to God in prayer because unity is not always easy. The disciples proved this very quickly as the events that followed brought panic and fear into their hearts. Within a short time of Jesus' prayer, He was arrested and the disciples fled (Matthew 26:56). Unity has a price. I believe the cost for each and every one of us is commitment. Commitment is not always easy, but it is the key to unity.

My heart aches when I think of Jesus and read this final prayer. He knows the time has come for His arrest, sentencing and death, and yet His prayer is for us- not Himself. Jesus' desire was that all of His followers would work together-perfectly united- so that the world would recognize how much God loves us (John 17:23).

I believe we owe it to Jesus to stay in unity. To pray for each other. To stick together when times are difficult. To submit to those whom God has given spiritual authority. To serve each other. To give. To share His love with all. To faithfully gather in fellowship and worship. To use the gifts He has given. It's the least we can do for the One who gave His life.

Jesus' thoughts of unity were not new. From His own royal family line of old, King David wrote of the blessing of life that God commands upon those in unity (Psalm 133). Unity brings healing, peace and an all around pleasant goodness. This is what Jesus wants for all that have received His salvation- and for all those who will receive. What a friend we have in Jesus.

"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greather love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:12-13

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