Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nehemiah's Prayer(s)- When Things are Overwhelming

"...make your servant successful today and grant him mercy..." Nehemiah 1:11
Enjoy reading Nehemiah
I'm not sure Nehemiah knew what he was in for when he was "hit" with the burden to head to Jerusalem to help rebuild the city walls. The unknown didn't stop him, however; he prayed for God to grant him success and God answered with every step of faith Nehemiah took. I know you will enjoy the account of Nehemiah. You'll find yourself cheering him on! What a guy!
Nehemiah's job was overwhelming. I cannot imagine surveying the land of destruction and coming up with a plan of repair. To top it off, not only did Jerusalem's walls need repair, but the people's hearts needed repairing as well. Nehemiah, however, was an honest, trusting, diligent man of God, whose faith kept him focused on his work for God- no matter how difficult it became. Nehemiah faced distraction, discouragement, resentment and ridicule, but never once did he show signs of giving into the games of opposition that came his way. With each problem he prayed. With each distraction he became more focused and determined to "be successful", as he prayed in the beginning. Even toward the end of the great work, Nehemiah was not afraid to ask of God "strengthen my hands!".
Nehemiah was a perfect example of Paul's encouragement to "pray without ceasing" in his first letter to the Thessalonians (5:17). For Nehemiah, prayer and work went hand in hand.
Maybe you are facing a particularly difficult task in your life. Or maybe you are rebuilding your life? Or maybe God has brought something new for you to accomplish? All of these can seem overwhelming- especially if you have any opposition trying to defeat your work. Take time to pray- every step of the way. Be encouraged by Nehemiah's focus and dedication. God made all things possible for Nehemiah's success, because Nehemiah did all of the work in God's honor. As difficult as rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was, the job was completed in record time! Nothing is impossible when you stay focused with God. I pray that His grace, provision and victory will be what overwhelms you.
"...this work has been accomplished with the help of our God" Nehemiah 6:16