Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jesus' Prayer - What A Friend

" that the world may believe and be convinced that you have sent Me" John 17:21

Enjoy reading John 17

Did you know that Jesus prayed for us? For you. For me. For all who will ever come to believe in Him (John 17:20). Knowing His earthly ministry had come to an end, knowing the events leading to His trial and death sentence were about to begin; Jesus lifts His eyes to Heaven and prays for His disciples and all of us to come. With the purpose of glorifying the Father, Jesus takes time out to bring us to God in prayer. This is absolutely amazing to me.

Jesus prayed that we would have joy. He prayed for God to protect us from Satan. He prayed that we would become pure by the truth of the Word and he prayed that we would be one. Praying that we would be one is the main request of Jesus' prayer- unity among believers. Jesus knew that unity among all of his disciples-present and future was essential if the world was going to be convinced that He is the Son of God.

I think Jesus took this matter of unity to God in prayer because unity is not always easy. The disciples proved this very quickly as the events that followed brought panic and fear into their hearts. Within a short time of Jesus' prayer, He was arrested and the disciples fled (Matthew 26:56). Unity has a price. I believe the cost for each and every one of us is commitment. Commitment is not always easy, but it is the key to unity.

My heart aches when I think of Jesus and read this final prayer. He knows the time has come for His arrest, sentencing and death, and yet His prayer is for us- not Himself. Jesus' desire was that all of His followers would work together-perfectly united- so that the world would recognize how much God loves us (John 17:23).

I believe we owe it to Jesus to stay in unity. To pray for each other. To stick together when times are difficult. To submit to those whom God has given spiritual authority. To serve each other. To give. To share His love with all. To faithfully gather in fellowship and worship. To use the gifts He has given. It's the least we can do for the One who gave His life.

Jesus' thoughts of unity were not new. From His own royal family line of old, King David wrote of the blessing of life that God commands upon those in unity (Psalm 133). Unity brings healing, peace and an all around pleasant goodness. This is what Jesus wants for all that have received His salvation- and for all those who will receive. What a friend we have in Jesus.

"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greather love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:12-13

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Daniel's Prayer- When There's a Sense of Urgency

"O Lord, hear! O Lord forgive! O Lord, listen and take action!" Daniel 9:19

Enjoy reading Daniel 9 (and 5 & 6)

Daniel, a teenage exile from Judah, spent his life serving and honoring God in a foreign land. His faith & resolve carried him through the years of serving under ungodly kings and living in a society of riches and indulgence. Although Babylon became his home, his heart was forever with his God and the nation that had faced divine punishment. This is evident in Daniel's urgent & moving prayer in chapter nine.

Daniel had recently witnessed a quick change in power of the Babylonian Empire. Before this event, Daniel's experience with messages, visions & interpretations from God were those in which the prophetic outcome were years in the making. Not so, in this particular instance. Daniel's words from God gave no time indication, but the outcome took place the very night the message was spoken. Although I believe Daniel was wise in the prophecies of his native spiritual leaders, I believe this event planted an urgent need in his heart to search God's Word for His plan. He didn't waste a moment. Reading the words and schedule of God's plan sent Daniel to his knees in urgent prayer.

Daniel knew it was time for change and he also knew God's people were not worthy of what He was about to set in motion. Daniel's heart was burdened with the sins of the people and he humbly includes himself in this rebellion. I find Daniel's prayer touchingly honest, loving and full of faith in His God to answer. (And what an extraordinary prayer it is when God sends an angel to interrupt!)

Daniel's prayer is the beginning of many things- good and bad; but, because of it, Daniel was prepared. God orchestrated the decree which would allow the exiled Jews to return to Judah, but not before Daniel faced punishment for the very life of prayer he lived. I find Daniel's faith to be incredible. He may have found himself wearied and burdened at times, but his faith in God's power never wavered. Daniel's prayer & steadfast faith brought honor, favor and change in his life and the lives of so many other people.

To be sure, every prayer we offer to God may not call for urgency, but I have seen God move in response to faith-filled urgent prayer. Although not recorded, I believe God was speaking "it's time" to Daniel, the night of Belshazzar's demise. Oh, to be like Daniel- ready to pray when we sense God is orchestrating something in our lives- or the lives of others!

You or I may never see or be part of a historical event like Daniel witnessed, but God is concerned with the life and times of every individual person. If we sense "it's time", we shouldn't let the moment go by, but search His word and hit our knees in prayer. I know we will be amazed at how God will move and prepare us for things to come.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jehoshaphat's Prayer- When I Don't Know What to Do

"For we are powerless...but our eyes are on You"
2 Chronicles 20:12
Enjoy 2 Chronicles 20:1-25
Jehoshaphat's prayer convicts me every time I read it. This is a good thing, as I tend- too often- to set my eyes on the problem & solution, even when I know there is nothing I can do. I am a problem solver- always wanting to "fix" what's wrong and makes things better for others and myself. My mind is always searching for ideas. When I have none, I find myself getting frustrated. I hope I have a couple of relatives out there ;-).
I believe that we are to use the intelligence God gave us, but sometimes problems or circumstances are way beyond my ability to solve. This is a place where God always tests my faith. Do I completely trust Him? Do I pray for His intervention and keep my eyes on Him?
King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah learned this at a crucial time. A problem bigger than all their ideas & power could only be solved by
*prayer and focus on God
*no fear
and a willingness to obey. The account is nothing short of awesome. It is the impossible becoming possible. It is the hand of God stopping the hand of the enemy. It is the heart of a people moved toward God- that moved God toward His people. (If you've never read what happened- I encourage you to dig into this near defeat turned to victory. It's something you'd never see coming. I know you'll love it and be encouraged).
I am learning to get my eyes off of situations I cannot change. When I take Jehoshaphat and Jahaziel's "advice" God always comes through- with a surprise I never saw coming. If you are frustrated or fearful over a circumstance in your life, try allowing this example of an ancient king's prayer (and victory) bring newness to your mind. God will move on your behalf- and I bet His "idea" will surprise you.
"Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the Lord" (20:3)
"Put your trust in the Lord and you will be established" (20:20)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nehemiah's Prayer(s)- When Things are Overwhelming

"...make your servant successful today and grant him mercy..." Nehemiah 1:11
Enjoy reading Nehemiah
I'm not sure Nehemiah knew what he was in for when he was "hit" with the burden to head to Jerusalem to help rebuild the city walls. The unknown didn't stop him, however; he prayed for God to grant him success and God answered with every step of faith Nehemiah took. I know you will enjoy the account of Nehemiah. You'll find yourself cheering him on! What a guy!
Nehemiah's job was overwhelming. I cannot imagine surveying the land of destruction and coming up with a plan of repair. To top it off, not only did Jerusalem's walls need repair, but the people's hearts needed repairing as well. Nehemiah, however, was an honest, trusting, diligent man of God, whose faith kept him focused on his work for God- no matter how difficult it became. Nehemiah faced distraction, discouragement, resentment and ridicule, but never once did he show signs of giving into the games of opposition that came his way. With each problem he prayed. With each distraction he became more focused and determined to "be successful", as he prayed in the beginning. Even toward the end of the great work, Nehemiah was not afraid to ask of God "strengthen my hands!".
Nehemiah was a perfect example of Paul's encouragement to "pray without ceasing" in his first letter to the Thessalonians (5:17). For Nehemiah, prayer and work went hand in hand.
Maybe you are facing a particularly difficult task in your life. Or maybe you are rebuilding your life? Or maybe God has brought something new for you to accomplish? All of these can seem overwhelming- especially if you have any opposition trying to defeat your work. Take time to pray- every step of the way. Be encouraged by Nehemiah's focus and dedication. God made all things possible for Nehemiah's success, because Nehemiah did all of the work in God's honor. As difficult as rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was, the job was completed in record time! Nothing is impossible when you stay focused with God. I pray that His grace, provision and victory will be what overwhelms you.
"...this work has been accomplished with the help of our God" Nehemiah 6:16

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jeremiah's Prayer- When Things Don't Make Sense

"I prayed to the Lord saying..." Jeremiah 32:16
Enjoy reading Jeremiah 32

Jeremiah's prayer in verses 16-25 is one of my favorites in the Bible. It isn't one I hear or read about often, but I find myself reading this prayer over and over. I believe it shows the real and trusting relationship Jeremiah had with God. (The writings of Jeremiah contain numerous prayers to and dialogues with God and is well worth the read. Be prepared for a feeling of heaviness, however; Jeremiah is known as the "weeping prophet").

I don't think I'd want to be in Jeremiah's shoes, although I almost envy the straight forward, trusting, honest conversations he had with God that always resulted in obedience. Jeremiah was tender hearted and yet he stayed committed to God's call during one of the saddest, most difficult times in Israelite history. While the other prophets of the time had already passed away or been taken into Babylonian captivity, Jeremiah witnessed the destruction of his beloved Jerusalem. Jeremiah's faith in God was unshakable.

Jeremiah was told by God (and He sent along a side of confirmation) to do something that didn't make sense. While Jeremiah was in prison (for being obedient) and his country was in the final stages of "foreclosure" by Nebuchadnezzar, God instructs him to invest in real estate. (This would have left me with nothing to say but "huh?".) Instead of trying to figure it out or make sense out of it, Jeremiah obeyed and did as God said. This particular obedient act of Jeremiah speaks volumes to me, and moves my heart as he begins to pray.

It's the when and how of Jeremiah's prayer that stops me in my tracks every time. Jeremiah didn't ask "why?" before obeying. He obeyed first and asked questions later. When Jeremiah opens his mouth to speak, praise comes before the question. He praises God for His mighty power, strength, provision & justice before bringing up the "confusing" land purchase. He keeps everything in perspective- there is no complaining with his prayer...and God answers-immediately. Jeremiah's prayer helps remind me that the way I speak to God could have have an effect on how and when He answers, and to accept the answer God gives.

Has God asked something of you that seems to "make no sense"? I've been there- and I constantly find it is because I cannot see the bigger picture. This is what Jeremiah learned. God asked him to do something that would give hope to his people for decades to come. Jeremiah couldn't see it at first, but God's answer made it all clear. When I have no clue, I know that God always has the right answers. As long as my heart is right before Him, I know I can ask those "I don't get it" questions. God went on to tell Jeremiah "call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know". (Jeremiah 33:3)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


"The Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime; and His song will be with me in the night, a prayer to the God of my life" Psalm 42:8

Enjoy reading Psalm 42

There are so many inspiring prayers in the Bible. From Moses to King David (see Psalm 42), from the prophets to Jesus, people who loved and served God with all their being prayed prayers that are recorded for our benefit. There are prayers of victorious celebrations, hearts in despair and everything in between. The one common thread in all of them is a belief that God hears and answers. In all of these prayers, I find two truths that bring freedom to my walk with God.

First, prayer is meant to be personal. God knows each person's heart, so everyone can be open and honest with Him. Each person who is spiritually born again through Jesus has access to the one and only God of the universe. How freeing it is to not be expected to force a prayer that isn't meant! Each personal prayer of confusion, praise, despair, thanksgiving or just plain "help!" will be heard from God. The catch? We must be willing to listen in order to hear His answer. And then accept the answer He gives.

Secondly, God is not available only at morning, meal and bedtimes- God is available 24/7. What freedom to know that we don't have to wait "to go to church" or wait for another person to be available to pray for us! We can go to Him any day- any minute of the day. Frazzled? Confused? Thankful? Frustrated? Lonely? Joyful? Brokenhearted? God can handle it all! He is always there, waiting to hear from those who believe in His awesome mercy and power.

Take time to pray today. With every prayer, God will be closer to you. Night or day. Rain or shine. He is there. You will be amazed how talking to God will bring change and freedom to your life.

"If you want that splendid power in prayer, you must remain in loving, living, lasting, conscious, practical, abiding union with the Lord Jesus Christ." -C.H. Spurgeon

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's in Your Storage Bins?

"How great is Your goodness which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You!" Psalm 31:19

"Because of a stubborn and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath and indignation for yourself" Romans 2:5

Enjoy reading Psalm 31 and Romans 2

There is no doubt in my mind that God, the creator of all life, is good. From the beginning of all He created ("and God said it was good") to the end of the book when evil will be overthrown by good- God is good. Whatever good is in this world comes from Him and He wants us to take part in it.

I love Psalm 31:19. The meanings of the original Hebrew words "stored" and "wrought" here are "reserved, treasured up" and "commit". Wow! God has things He has specifically committed and treasured for you on reserve! Just imagine- a room in a storehouse just for you! Storage bin after storage bin with your name on all of them. Can you even imagine what good things God has stored in those storage bins for you? Peace? Complete health? Favor at work? Wisdom? Strength? Loyal friends? Knowledge? Contentment? Joy? You may be realizing how many of those things - and others- God has already given to you. Or you may question "how do I get those good things God has for me?"

The second half of the verse answers this- when we fear Him. The original Hebrew word here is "reverence", which means to honor, esteem, adore and have deep respect toward. This (sincere) attitude and way of life gets God's attention- just like (if you're a parent) children with this attitude get your attention. (Oh, how many more good things I want to give my children when they give me respect and honor!) The bottom line is to revere God and receive all that He has for you.

This brings us to what God is not- bad. The "bad" things we encounter in life do not come from God, but rather Satan, who is the source of evil. It is Satan who would have us filled with darkness and turned from God. Because God created us with free will, He will allow us to walk into evil, receive it and entertain it, but He doesn't give it to us. In fact, He teaches us in Romans that by being irreverent, we store wrath up for ourselves! (Greek "wrath"= anger/punishment). If we walk before God irreverently and in sin, we cannot receive the goodness He has for us; thus we become weaker and more vulnerable to the bad we store up- in other words, if we aren't repentant, we just keep heaping up trouble for ourselves! It is wise to remember that the most damaging thing sin does is separate us from God. And, although He allows it, He doesn't want us to choose it. God longs to be gracious to us. (Isaiah 30:18)

I don't want bins with things like jealousy, insecurity, illness, stress, heartache and worry in them. How about you? God, please help me to always make the daily choice to honor You and receive Your goodness.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'll Just Have the Salad

"...a very little thing..." Luke 16:10

Enjoy readying Daniel 1

I thoroughly enjoy the book of Daniel. There's no other book of the Bible quite like it. Kings, dreams, fire, angels, lions, feasts, idolatry, pride, friendships, visions, mental illness, wealth, trust, reward, humility (and more) all in one story. I encourage you to read the entire action packed 12 chapters and ask God to inspire you with the truths and treasures within this account of Daniel's extraordinary life.

If you've read chapter one, I believe you will agree that the tone is set in verse eight. "But Daniel made up his mind". Daniel, taken from his home & family, forced to train three years for adequately serving an ungodly king, does not change his mind about whom he truly serves. He does not lose focus (even in a situation he did not ask for) on the One he worships. Even though Daniel's first test of faithfulness is given to him (literally) on a silver platter, he does not waiver. He has made up his mind.

Though he may not have realized it at the time, Daniel's success in life was set with the simple act of "eating his vegetables".** I also enjoy how Daniel takes the step of respectfully asking to be excused from the "defiling foods" rather than just rudely refusing. I can't help but think how easy it could have been for Daniel to change his mind at the sight of this awesome spread in front of him. He could have used any excuse to make it easy on himself (what teenager doesn't?). "I've been taken captive, I deserve this reward of a feast" or "God will understand, after all, it is the rule of the King" or "just this once-it's only food, then I'll get back on track". But, no, Daniel was determined to obey. I believe he found his resolve before he ever crossed the border of Babylon. He (and his friends) made up his mind to serve God no matter where he was or who/what might try to stop him. His mind was set to honor God when this Babylonian world around him would continually do the opposite.

Daniel's obedience in this "little matter" (and all of them throughout his life) led to great favor from God. Not only did he receive favor in the eyes of those in authority over him, but God gifted him with special abilities, which in turn led to more favor! Daniel was continually rescued from trouble, promoted on the job, healthy, strong and successful (even in old age) because of his diligence & willingness to obey, pray, worship & serve; wholeheartedly.

I encourage you to keep an eye on the "little" things, like Daniel's vegetables. What small things are on your list from God? I encourage you to never think the little things don't matter, and to not fall for the lie that God doesn't notice when you ignore them. Oh, how God sees you and longs to give you favor. Those who are faithful in a very little thing are faithful in much. (Luke 16:10) Do you make up your mind, like Daniel, to be faithful in the small things? You too can live an extraordinary life with the favor of God following you all of your days, just like Daniel.

**Hebrew word "zeroa" meaning "grown from seed", so fruits & grains were included.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting Your Hopes Up

"For my hope is from Him" Psalm 62:5

Enjoy reading Psalm 61 & 62

There is no shortage of hope in the Bible. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God and His people spoke of having hope, and all of it in God. Hope isn't merely a good thought or a wish for something good. It is a strong expectation, a belief that good will come, because God is good. I remind myself each day to hope in God. Some days I feel that I am "hoping against hope".

If you are a child of God, your hopes do not have to be vague or weak. You do not have to rely on a situation or a person. The world will tell you to hope in titles, success, money, fame or even yourself. You have something greater. You have the God of all creation on your side! If you are true and faithful to Him, hoping in Him will be an anchor for your soul- no matter what you are facing in life. God is your hope.

The words of King David in Psalm 62 caught my attention, especially his repetitious thoughts. At the time it is believed these words were penned by David, he was facing one of the most senseless, burdensome, challenging events of his life. His son Absalom had become angry with him and took his anger to the extreme. Absalom was out to have his father-the King-assassinated and to have himself put on the throne. Not only was this Absalom's way of dealing with a family problem, but he recruited many to turn against the King and join his conspiracy. David felt alone and betrayed. Two of the worst feelings for a human being. The beloved King of Israel was now in danger.

David did not become King by inheritance or election. He was made King by God's choice and anointing. Now it looked as though the enemy would take all that God had ordained. To top it off, the enemy was (working through) his own flesh and blood. If there was a time for King David to feel that all hope was lost, this was it. Parenting can be heartbreaking at times, but how does a parent deal with such treachery? I cannot imagine the despair and hopelessness that could have gripped David's heart.

David, however, turned to God. In one of the darkest times of his life, he didn't give up, and he didn't seek revenge. To David, hope could not be lost! He spoke of God as his rock, his salvation, his refuge and his strength. And, he said it over again. He let God handle the situation, and kept his hopes "up".

I love the picture I see in my thoughts. The Hebrew word for hope in verse 5 is "tiqvah" which basically means "expectation". This word, however, comes from "qavah" which means, literally, a cord- as an attachment. I see David hanging on to a rope that God has lowered for him (Hanging on for dear life, as we might say, but hanging on, nonetheless). David was climbing up a "rope of hope. "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I" he penned in Psalm 61. He was holding on to God. He was attached to Him. David held onto hope. Absalom held onto anger. David was saved. Absalom was lost.

Ever been "at the end of your rope"? Does a situation seem hopeless? What do you need? Faith? Healing? Answers? Forgiveness? Love? Justice? Maybe you just need hope. Look up to God- your hope, rock, refuge, strength and salvation. Let go of doubt, fear, anger, revenge or hurt and hold on to hope. You will never regret getting your hopes (in God) up.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick." Proverbs 13:12

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Seek and Find

"...diligently seek..." Proverbs 8:17

As a child I loved the hidden picture puzzles. Pictures within a picture that one can't really see- until it is searched out. Once a picture is found, it always seemed to keep catching my eye- while searching for the next picture. (Especially when I color it in).
God is much the same. He is always there. We just don't always know it, or see with our eyes (evidence of Him), because we aren't looking for Him. Still, He is there, waiting for all who say they love Him to seek Him. I've learned that this is to be an everyday experience, not just a once in a while occasion or during a difficult experience in life. It also takes a great deal of faith. Our circumstances or feelings may try to lead us to believe that He can't be found, He's abandoned us in the tough times, or He just isn't concerned with our everyday life. We must lean on our faith and not what we see in our circumstances. Our faith must take hold of His promise "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). In fact, He so longs for us to be close to Him, that He himself is a seeker. 2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us that God looks for those whose hearts are completely His. Am I as willing to seek Him? Are you?
The key is diligence. The word diligence means "a constant and earnest effort". Do we seek God with the same effort as we seek for that perfect job, spouse, education, house, income, etc. Do we know Him as well as we know the stock market, sport statistics, political issues and other current events? God told His people "seek Me that you may live" (Amos 5). God is our source of life. He longs for us to seek Him.
One of the best motivators I have to seek God (other than I have experienced it and know it is life changing) is the reminder that Satan is also a seeker. He is a seeker of me. He is a seeker of you. However, he seeks to destroy us, and he does so diligently, like a lion hunting prey (1 Peter 5:8) . If we aren't seeking God, we make it easier for Satan to find us. I know that when I am diligently seeking God, Satan can have no access in my life!
Can't find God? Keep seeking. Seek Him in His word. Seek Him in prayer. Seek Him in obedience. No matter what you need. No matter what your hurt. No matter what your questions, He will reveal Himself- like the hidden picture popping out in front of your eyes. Has He come through for you at other times in your life? Color those times in your mind and use them to strengthen your faith. Become a Kingdom seeker. A God seeker. A truth seeker. You'll not only find God, but your life as well.