Thursday, June 18, 2009


"And this temple was completed" Ezra 6:15

Enjoy reading Ezra 5:1-6:22

I think all of us from time to time are tempted to give up. This is something that seems to get in my face many times. It happened today, just trying to post these thoughts. :-) I know for myself when I have the urge to give up, I am walking by sight- not by faith. I have to change my mindset quickly. I believe that we all too easily fall prey to quitting because we focus on the negative. We become overwhelmed by a lack of confidence or we're taunted by criticism. We even become weary with prolonged waiting. Sometimes situations within our jobs, relationships, finances, health- any area of life- can leave us flat out discouraged and ready to walk away in defeat.

Zerubbabel had this exact problem. He put his heart & soul into overseeing the rebuilding of God's temple. Nearly from the start, Zerubbabel was caught off guard by enemy critics and fierce opposition. Ultimately it was a dead-end decree stamped by an unsupportive king that proved to be too much for Zerubbabel. Even though he knew God had given him this great opportunity, he allowed discouragement to settle in his heart and in the hearts of the people. He and his crew gave up. The work & vision of the temple being restored was abandoned.

I love what happens, however. God does two things:

First, He sends messages of correction, obedience and encouragement by way of two "fellow countrymen", Haggai and Zechariah. Secondly, when Zerubbabel & his crew heed the words and get back on track, God altars the situation and arranges for the enemy to finance the temple rebuild! Basically, they were told "whatever they need, you give it to them".

God has taught me that not only does He want me to hang in there when I think a situation is hopeless, but if I dare to believe in Him and trust Him and continue in faith- He will give me whatever I need to see it through. I've also learned not to ignore the "Haggais and Zechariahs" God sends my way. And I can only imagine the behind the scenes actions God is orchestrating in my behalf when I choose not to give up. No situation is hopeless as God has amazingly endless solutions.

If you are familiar (even if not) with the Scripture " 'Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit' says the Lord" (Zechariah 4:6), be encouraged. These are the exact words spoken to Zerubbabel regarding his decision to give up. God goes on to say "Zerubbabel has laid the foundation and Zerubbabel will finish it". What a powerful and personal message from God that He will see us through when we don't quit.

Is there a life building project overwhelming you? Hang in there. He will work things out in your behalf. Zerubbabel's was completed and so will it be with yours. God will give you whatever is needed. Whatever.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Almond Flavoring

" out a matter..." Proverbs 25:2

Enjoy reading Numbers 17:1-13

I've always enjoyed researching. Elementary school through college I researched many topics from Robins to Multi-modal Therapy. I loved learning something new and the feeling of being an expert (at least temporarily) on my researched subject. While most kids groaned when a teacher assigned a research project, I couldn't wait to get to the library.

I find taking some time to research portions of Scripture very valuable. It can bring flavor to a passage and an open door to a spiritual meaning I otherwise might not understand. God has tucked in so many nuggets of truth and inspiration throughout His Word and He wants us to search them out.

Numbers 17 is an example of a portion of Scripture I had read many times but never paid very much attention. One day I found myself asking "why did God make Almond buds appear on Aaron's rod? What do almonds have to do with settling a dispute over leadership?" I began to do a little research on almonds (online encyclopedias/dictionaries/ Bible Study sites are a tremendous help). Here are a few facts I discovered:

1) Almond trees are the first flowering trees of the season

2) The flowers appear before the leaves

3) The flowers form on dead wood

4) The Hebrew word for almond means "hasten" and "wakeful"

5) Almonds are a symbol of watchfulness and promise

At this point you may be asking "so what?" and I wouldn't blame you. I will leave the spiritual significance to you and your time with God, but my spirit jumped for joy when I came across these facts. God immediately opened my eyes to something HE was teaching me about leadership. What flavor these few bits of understanding added to my reading! God led me to this passage- but left it up to me to search it out. By taking a few extra minutes to seek out what I didn't understand, God revealed great understanding to me.

God will do the same for you. Any chapter- any verse- do a little research. Each time you search out a matter you will learn something new. There is rich (almond) flavoring available to help you gain wisdom and understanding in what God is teaching you through His word.

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it costs you, whatever else you get, get understanding". Proverbs 4:7

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Text Me

"What do u want me 2 do 4 u? Matthew 20:32

We live in a world of technological abbreviations. The only "techno" abbreviation I knew as a kid was "TV". Wow! How advanced we've become in such a short time. My children have grown up with nothing but abbreviations in their world: "VCR", "DVD", "CD", "DVR", "PC", IM"...the list goes on.

The latest abbreviations to take our culture by storm are those used to communicate to one another through cell phone texting. "BRB", "CU", "LOL" "TTYL", "ILY". These short and sweet texts are like a modern day Morse Code, and always get the point across. I find it interesting that most people (especially teenagers) I've observed actually text more often than they talk on their cell phones. I guess it proves in part the power of the written word.

I began to wonder "if God could text us to get our attention, what would He say?" After all, He's already given us the greatest text of all - The Bible. The ultimate text message. Thousands upon thousands of (non-abbreviated) words He wants to impress upon our hearts. I began pouring over Jesus' words (red letter text) and found a few short messages that would make great texts. I hope any one of these texts from Jesus makes its way into your spirit and makes your day.

"Follow Me" Mt 4:19

"Pray...ask...believe" Mk 11:24

"Do good" Lk 6:35

"I'm the light" Jn 8:12

"Come to Me" Mt 11:28

"Keep praying" Mk 14: 38

"Compel them" Lk 14:23

"Do you love me?" Jn 21:17

"Go" Mt 28:19

"You give them" Mk 6:37

"Do not worry" Lk 12:29

"I'm the way" Jn 14:6

"Rejoice" Mt 5:12

"Listen to Me" Mk 7:14

"Blessed are you" Lk 6:20

God so loved" Jn 3:16

If you need a word from God today, ask Him to send you a "text".
Just be sure to check your inbox.