Saturday, November 21, 2009

God's Will 101

" everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18

If you ever struggle with knowing God's will for a certain situation in your life-this verse is the place to start. We all love to be appreciated by someone, and I believe that God is no different. The key is thankfulness.

God has opened my eyes to the concept of thankfulness through this verse. God's message wasn't to a group of complaining, thankless people, but rather to a group being commended by Paul for their dedication to Christ and working together to spread the gospel. Even when we're living in obedience and moving confidently where He has called us, giving thanks is key. Notice that the words are "give thanks", not "say thanks". Thanks can often be said and not meant. The Greek word here is "eucharisteo" which means "expressing thanks". To express means to show, manifest or represent.

To me, this goes on beyond the simple daily prayers of "thank you for this food", "thank you for this day", "thank you for my job". It is what I do with the days- the provisions-the gifts-the people, etc. that He have given to me. Often it may be that all you or I can do is fall on our knees and cry out "thank you" to Him for a specific something He's done. However, I believe God is speaking to us about "everything" here- the general everyday everything we all experience. Do we give (express) thanks- or do we express complaints? I am learning that God wants me to express my gratitude to Him in all that I do- not merely pay lip service to Him. I've learned that a thankful spirit moves God's heart. It also moves my heart- toward His.

Remember the Israelites? While Moses-guided by God-led them out of a land of bondage and toward a land of feedom, all they could muster were complaining, murmuring attitudes. They flunked the test on giving thanks- big time! God was displeased, as they grumbled even over the food He had provided. (Ever have that happen to you at dinner time?) The Israelites' thankless spirits kept them wandering around aimlessly until they died. They were blinded by their own discontent and never saw the good things God had planned for them. I never want to become a thankless wanderer. (I wonder what might have been different if the least they would've done was say "thank you for this bread"?)

Unsure of God's good plan for you? The key to knowing God's will for your life is in your expression of thanks. It only has to be turned.

"come before His presence with thanksgiving" Psalm 95:2
"enter His gates with thanksgiving" Psalm 100:4

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